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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Welcome to Cycle City

Cycle City – a highly industrious town with multiple industrial plants, steel works, car manufacturers established on the outskirts of the circular shaped city, like walls of a protective fortress, mountain range, or prison. It was once said that it was called ‘Cycle City’ because of the many vehicles and motorcycles that were constructed there.
But the city has fallen on hard times and people believe it now means, “What goes around, comes around” and the time of success has come ‘full circle.’

The problems began when the scientific industry started to move in. The industrial plants laughed at their move to bring their science into the city, since the majority of the companies there were tough, hard, blue-collar workers and shouldn't’t be able to find people to employ them. But the science companies brought their own workers and the promise to turn the tough-and-tumble, but happy, city into a thriving community.
Eager to increase the status of the city with the promises of the scientific breakthroughs the current mayor allowed the move. The mayor also allowed the establishment of their companies within the cities limits, something the industrial companies were never allowed to do for fear of pollution. The scientific companies moved in and the industrial companies believed it was a mistake.

They didn’t know just how right they were.

A few companies settled in and their small but firm growth sent an unwritten invitation to other companies to follow in their footsteps.
As the scientific community began to thrive the money began to flow as well, from the existing industrial companies into the new scientific communities. Products supplied by the industrial companies began to be replaced by better, cleaner, more useful products from the scientific companies.
The process, or cycle, continued and then escalated.

The unthinkable happened: the industrial companies were eventually forced to go bankrupt and their strong, determined industrial and steel workers were suddenly unemployed.
Desperate to survive, many turned to crime.
Within months their havens of hope and security became hideaways for outlaws, gangs, thieves, muggers, and worst. The strong, proud arm of the city’s finest now became the depraved, forgotten, and oppressing.

Todd Ticket was no exception. After a desperate maneuver to make his needs be recognized by the city’s council his plea did not go unnoticed.
Prof. Emile Cloward, aware of young Todd’s desperation, suddenly realized that his company's presence in the city, as well of those of the scientific community, caused the incline in crime.
Feeling responsible, he suddenly realized something had to be done.

Prof. Cloward started by hiring as many out-of-work steel, manufacturer, engineer, and industrial workers as he could find. He provided the necessary training to those willing to increase their education so that they could find better and suitable employment. He offered benefits, health care, side jobs, and programs to provide those homeless or jobless would couldn’t compete in the scientific community.
But it wasn’t enough and crime was still growing.

He approached the city’s council and tried to get them to see eye to eye. The city simply demanded that if the workers wanted new jobs they should take advantage of the programs already in place. Prof. Carter was furious at their lack of action and unwillingness to accept their part in the chaos.

He finally made the difficult choice. If the city wasn’t willing to accept that responsibility then he would… without their support.
He began creating scientific products intended to keep the peace, under the table and off the record. A number of non-lethal, crowd-control weapons and devices were created with his top scientist Marla Theresa.

Their primary creation was the L.A.W.-Long Arm Weapon, intended to reach out and deliver justice to those out of reach of the local police.

Prof. Cloward managed to sway the Captain of the city's police to their crusade to give them the inside intel they required to be of the best use. Also sickened at the increase of crime, Captain Random Bishop was eager to have such a powerful force at his clandestine disposal, even if it jeopardized his career.
After all, his own family were citizens of Cycle City.

All that remained was to locate the perfect 'pilot' to carry the L.A.W. to the crime of the streets.
Upon conclusion of a thorough background check, Prof. Cloward and Random Bishop visited the local penitentiary to interview the young and troubled ex-industrial worker Todd Ticket.

A lasting bond of ionic proportions was quickly formed and Todd Ticket took to the streets as the vigilante known only as The Claw.

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